Date of Procedure: Date started: 06/28/07
Date completed: 06/29/07
Procedure: 24-hour Video Monitor Recording
Clinical History: This is a 22 month old male with seizure like episodes
Medications: Vigabatrin and Zonegran
Recording Date: The scalp electrodes were applied according to the International 10/20 system of electrode placement. Zygomatic electrodes were also used. The recording was made on the Nihon Kohden digital EEG system.
Digital EEG Analysis: The automatic seizure-spike detection programs were applied.
Findings: Background activity: The background activity during the awake state consisted of posterior dominant theta activity at 5-6 Hz. No consistent background asymmetry was noted. Frequent independent spike and wave activity was noted in the left and right temporal region independently. The frequency of interictal spike and wave activity were higher on the left side. The frequency of interictal epileptiform activity was increased during sleep. Some of the spike and wave activity in the left temporal region showed secondary bilaterally synchrony.
During sleep, vertex waves, sleep spindles were noted bilaterally.
Interictal Findings: No electrographic seizures were captured on this recording.
Clinical Events: A total of six clinical events were documented by the family. The events consisted of either startling (brief body stiffening) or rapid eye twitching. None of the events showed significant evolution of epileptiform activity on EEG. No subclinical seizures were captured.
Impression: This is an abnormal video EEG monitoring. The background activity was within lower normal limits. Independent spike and wave activity in the left and right temporal regions may suggest increase risk of epileptic seizures. Otherwise, no subclinical seizures were captured. No electrographic seizures were captured. None of the clinical events showed EEG correlations. Therefore, these episodes are probably nonepileptic events.