Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Video Monitoring Recording 02/24/2009

Date of Procedure: Date started: 02/24/2009
Date completed: 02/25/2009

Procedure: 23-hour Video Monitor Recording

Clinical History: This is a 3 yr old child with a history of bilateral perisylvian syndrome, infantile spasms.

Medications: Vigabatrin, continued during the recording

Recording Date: The scalp electrodes were applied according to the International 10/20 system of electrode placement. Zygomatic electrodes were also used. The recording was made on the Nihon Kohden digital EEG system.

Digital EEG Analysis: The automatic seizure-spike detection programs were applied.

Findings: Background activity: The background activity during the awake state consisted of posterior dominant theta activity at 5 Hz. No consistent focal slowing or inter hemispheric asymmetry was noted. During sleep, sleep spindles were noted bilaterally.

Interictal Findings: frequent spikes as well as runs of spike were seen in the left frontal-central-temporal regions involving electrodes F7, T3, and C3, which occasionally showed secondary bilateral synchrony. Additionally, independent spikes were also frequently noted int he right temporal-central-parietal regions. The frequency of interictal epileptiform discharge were more dominant in the left hemisphere and tend to increase while the patient was asleep. However, no ongoing seizures were captured.

Clinical Events: No paroxysmal events were recorded by the family.

Impression: This was a normal video monitor recording.
1) The background activity was diffusely slow for age suggesting diffuse neuronal dysfunction.
2) The presence of frequent interictal spike in the left frontal-central-temporal as well as right temporal-central-parietal which was more dominant in the left hemisphere particularly while the patient was asleep suggested increased risk of epileptic seizure with multi-focal onset.
3) No ongoing seizures or habitual events were captured during the recording.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Video Monitoring Recording

Date of Procedure: Date started: 01/12/2009
Date completed: 01/13/2009

Procedure: 23-hour Video Monitor Recording

Clinical History: This is a 3 yr old child with a history of bilateral perisylvian syndrome, infantile spasms, now having startle episodes again.

Medications: None

Recording Date: The scalp electrodes were applied according to the International 10/20 system of electrode placement. Zygomatic electrodes were also used. The recording was made on the Nihon Kohden digital EEG system.

Digital EEG Analysis: The automatic seizure-spike detection programs were applied.

Findings: Background activity: The background activity during the awake state consisted of posterior dominant theta activity at 5-6 Hz which was bilaterally symmetrical.

During sleep, sleep spindles were seen bilaterally.

Interictal Findings: Interictally there was presence of right temporal-central as well as right temporal-central spike and wave activity seen.

Clinical Events: There were spasms captured. These spasms showed minimal EEG correlation or sometimes the EEG correlation was obscured by EMG activity. Some spasms showed diffuse spike wave activity followed by attenuation. We would not localize the seizure onset..

Impression: This is an abnormal video EEG monitoring. The background activity is slow for age which suggests diffuse neuronal dysfunction. There is present of multi-focal spike and wave activity as well as multiple spasms captured during the recording.