Age at test: 5 months old
Sixteen channel EEg performed on this patient using the standard complement of electrodes and utilizing the 10-20 system of electrode placement.
Findings: The patient was awake at the onset of the recording. The background consisted of mixed frequency activity non reactive activity in the posterior and rolandic head regions. There was some 4-5Hz polymorphic theta seen. the Child did become drowsy with diffuse 5-6 Hz theta but did not enter sustained sleep with sleep spindles and V waves. There was no definite epileptiform acticity seen. Movement and EMG artifact ws noted. No asymmetry seen. There were generalized burts of high amplitude sharp waves and spike and waves, follwered by periods of attenuation. There were also independent spike and shart waves seen in a multifocal manner.
Hyperventilation: Not performed
Photic Stimulation: Produced bioccipital recruitment at some flash frequencies.
Clinic comment: This EEG is abnormal for the age of child during the awake state with mild to moderate diffuse neuronal dysfunction. the generalized paroxysmal activity described above can have the potential for generalized seizures. No epileptiform activity or lateralizing features seen. Clinical correlations recommended.