Date of Procedure: 07/11/2006
Procedure: Visual Evoked Potential and Electroretinogram
Clinical History: D is an 11 month old male w/history of Infantile Spasms
Medications: Current medication include Vigabatrin
Recording Data: The visual evoked potentials were recorded by stroboscopic flash to each individual eye using a rate of 1.7 Hz, a duration of 100 microseconds, and filter setting of 5-100 HZ. A total of 100 sweeps were averaged each time and the study was repeated at least once for confirmation. The recordings were made MO.
Findings: The visual evoked potential by flash P100 peak on the left side was 82 and P100 peak on the right side was 83.5.
Electroretinogram. Wave A on the right side was 24.5 and wave B on the right side was 35.8. Wave A on the left side was 23.0 and wave B on the left side was 37.0.
Impression: There was a normal visual evoked potential and electroretinogram